Cudos Dashboard

Cudos Dashboard

Cudos Dashboard

Cudos Dashboard Main Image
Cudos Dashboard Main Image
Cudos Dashboard Main Image




UI/UX Design

Used Softwares





UI/UX Design

Used Softwares


The Cudos Dashboard is a tool that provides Cudos users with access to information about the state of the network. The Dashboard is the main hub for voting on and creating Improvement Proposals, delegating and other major network activities.

Project Overview

The Dashboard serves as the main Cudos UI via which all different network activities can be performed. Users can view their balances, their stake and all information about their tokens. The Dashboard allows users to explore the different validators of the network as well as delegate to one or multiple. One main function of the Dashboard is the handling of Improvement Proposal creation and voting. This makes the Dashboard essential for the future of the Cudos Network.


There are many operations possible when it comes to interacting with the Cudos Network. Because of this, the biggest challenge we faced when designing the Dashboard was fitting all of those into just a few pages and providing a seamless user flow. It was essential to design the Dashboard in a way that would facilitate a straightforward user experience. Considering that the Cosmos ecosystem has its specific terminology, we put a lot of effort into ensuring that even newcomers could easily navigate the Dashboard.

Cudos Dashboard All Screens Image
Cudos Dashboard All Screens Image
Cudos Dashboard All Screens Image

Style Guide

By creating the following Style Guide we ensure consistency across a project's UI/UX design. Some of the benefits of using a design system are: Consistency, Efficiency, Scalability and Collaboration.

Cudos Dashboard Style Guide Image
Cudos Dashboard Style Guide Image
Cudos Dashboard Style Guide Image

Final Design

By applying the Style Guide to the wireframes we created flows that allows each user to have an informative and straightforward user journey through the platform.

  • Cudos Dashboard Screen 1
  • Cudos Dashboard Screen 2
  • Cudos Dashboard Screen 3
  • Cudos Dashboard Screen 4
  • Cudos Dashboard Screen 5
  • Cudos Dashboard Screen 6
  • Cudos Dashboard Screen 6
  • Cudos Dashboard Screen 7
Cudos Dashboard Screen 1
Cudos Dashboard Screen 1
Cudos Dashboard Screen 2
Cudos Dashboard Screen 2
Cudos Dashboard Screen 3
Cudos Dashboard Screen 3
Cudos Dashboard Screen 4
Cudos Dashboard Screen 4
Cudos Dashboard Screen 5
Cudos Dashboard Screen 5
Cudos Dashboard Screen 6
Cudos Dashboard Screen 6
Cudos Dashboard Screen 7
Cudos Dashboard Screen 7

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Work With Us Stamp Vector
Work With Us Stamp Vector
Work With Us Stamp Vector