Cudos Markets

Cudos Markets

Cudos Markets

Cudos Markets Main Image
Cudos Markets Main Image
Cudos Markets Main Image


NFT Marketplace


UI/UX Design

Used Softwares



NFT Marketplace


UI/UX Design

Used Softwares


Cudos Markets is a Bitcoin mining platform powered by Cudo and built on the Cudos Network. The aim of the platform is to make Bitcoin mining sustainable and accessible for everyone by utilising NFTs to create Hashrate Collectibles.

Project Overview

Cudos Market is a cutting-edge platform for sustainable Bitcoin mining via NFT ownership. It serves as an NFT Marketplace where NFTs signify tokenized hashing rates provided by Mining Farm owners. These farms primarily use water, solar, and wind as energy sources. NFT buyers can browse, estimate earnings, and make purchases, with NFT owners receiving daily BTC payouts matching their NFT's hashing power.


The main challenge was accommodating diverse user types within the Cudos Market platform. We worked to understand varying user needs, including their knowledge of Bitcoin mining and Cudos Market operations. We also designed specific user journeys for Mining Farm operators with unique requirements.

Cudos Markets All Screens Image
Cudos Markets All Screens Image
Cudos Markets All Screens Image

User Personas

Cudos Markets User Personal Image
Cudos Markets User Personal Image
Cudos Markets User Personal Image


A site map for the Cudos Market serves as a blueprint outlining the various web pages, sections, and navigation paths that make up the platform. This is just a partial representation of the complete sitemap, which helps stakeholders and developers understand the overall organization of the website, including key sections, features, and user pathways. It provides a high-level overview of how users can navigate through the platform, access information, and interact with the services offered, making it a crucial tool for planning and development.

Cudos Markets Sitemap Image
Cudos Markets Sitemap Image
Cudos Markets Sitemap Image


Cudos Markets Wireframe Image
Cudos Markets Wireframe Image
Cudos Markets Wireframe Image

Style Guide

By creating the following Style Guide we ensure consistency across a project's UI/UX design. Some of the benefits of using a design system are: Consistency, Efficiency, Scalability and Collaboration.

Final Design

By applying the Style Guide to the wireframes we created flows that allows each user to have an informative and straightforward user journey through the platform.

  • Cudos Markets Home Page 1 Image
  • Cudos Markets Home Page 2 Image
  • Cudos Markets Home Page 3 Image
  • Cudos Markets NFT Details Image
  • Cudos Markets Calculate Reward Image
  • Cudos Markets Explore Markets Image
  • Cudos Markets Explore Markets Image
  • Cudos Markets Collection Details Page Image
  • Cudos Markets Create Collection Image
Cudos Markets Home Page 1 Image
Cudos Markets Home Page 1 Image
Cudos Markets Home Page 2 Image
Cudos Markets Home Page 2 Image
Cudos Markets Home Page 3 Image
Cudos Markets Home Page 3 Image
Cudos Markets NFT Details Image
Cudos Markets NFT Details Image
Cudos Markets Calculate Reward Image
Cudos Markets Calculate Reward Image
Cudos Markets Explore Markets Image
Cudos Markets Explore Markets Image
Cudos Markets Collection Details Page Image
Cudos Markets Collection Details Page Image
Cudos Markets Create Collection Image
Cudos Markets Create Collection Image

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