Opus NFT

Opus NFT

Opus NFT

Opus NFT Main Image
Opus NFT Main Image
Opus NFT Main Image





UI/UX Design

Used Softwares







UI/UX Design

Used Softwares



Opus NFT platform enables the transformation of certificates into secure and verifiable digital assets. With the integration of blockchain technology, certificates are protected from fraud, loss, and tampering, making them reliable and trustworthy assets for professional or educational purposes.

Project Overview

Opus NFT is a Web3 credentials verification & payment platform that strengthens robust & credible business environments by allowing regulators and the public to quickly authenticate any credentials.


Complexity of the technology

Blockchain technology can be complex to understand, especially for newcomers. So the challenge is to design a user-friendly interface so that users can interact with the platform without having to deal with the underlying complexity of the technology.

Trustworthiness of the platform

Since the platform deals with the issuance and verification of digital assets, it is crucial to establish trust among the users. The challenge is to design a UI that conveys the security and trustworthiness of the platform through visual cues, such as logos, color schemes, and user feedback.

Data input and management

The platform will require users to input and manage sensitive data, such as personal information and certificates. Therefore, the challenge is to design a UI that provides a seamless data input and management process that is intuitive and secure.

Opus NFT All Screens Image
Opus NFT All Screens Image
Opus NFT All Screens Image


The idea behind the logo is inspired by the Blockchain Technology.:

Opus NFT Logo Idea Image
Opus NFT Logo Idea Image
Opus NFT Logo Idea Image

Style Guide

By creating the following Style Guide we ensure consistency across a project's UI/UX design. Some of the benefits of using a design system are: Consistency, Efficiency, Scalability and Collaboration.

Opus NFT Style Guide 1 Image
Opus NFT Style Guide 1 Image
Opus NFT Style Guide 1 Image
Opus NFT Style Guide 2 Image
Opus NFT Style Guide 2 Image
Opus NFT Style Guide 2 Image

Final Design

By applying the Style Guide to the wireframes we created flows that allows each user to have an informative and straightforward user journey through the platform.

  • Opus NFT Schoold Details Screen Image
  • Opus NFT Diploma Details Image Screen
  • Opus NFT No Courses Image Screen
  • Opus NFT Course Details Image Screen
  • Opus NFT Edit Info Screen Image
  • Opus NFT 404 Page Screen Image
  • Opus NFT Create Diploma Screen Image
Opus NFT Schoold Details Screen Image
Opus NFT Schoold Details Screen Image
Opus NFT Diploma Details Image Screen
Opus NFT Diploma Details Image Screen
Opus NFT No Courses Image Screen
Opus NFT No Courses Image Screen
Opus NFT Course Details Image Screen
Opus NFT Course Details Image Screen
Opus NFT Edit Info Screen Image
Opus NFT Edit Info Screen Image
Opus NFT 404 Page Screen Image
Opus NFT 404 Page Screen Image
Opus NFT Create Diploma Screen Image
Opus NFT Create Diploma Screen Image

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Work With Us Stamp Vector
Work With Us Stamp Vector
Work With Us Stamp Vector